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7 Tips for Painting Restaurants

Nov 10, 2023

The restaurant industry has had a rough go since 2020, and unfortunately, many establishments have still been struggling or have had to shut their doors for good. Those that remain open are continuously looking for ways to attract new customers.

Restaurants can shape an area in many ways, bringing people together in a community. Keeping a restaurant’s interior design and aesthetics updated is one of many ways restaurant owners can help their business thrive. Here are some of our commercial painting tips for restaurants.

Choose the Best Color Scheme

Color theory tells us that a space’s colors, patterns, and design choices can affect how we feel when we spend time in a place. Since restaurants want their customers to have an enjoyable dining experience (and come back in the future), the color and design choices are critical. 

The project will be straightforward if restaurant management wants to refresh the current paint jobs. There can be benefits to adding different color schemes and design items or even starting entirely fresh. A skilled commercial painting project manager or interior designer can point the restaurant in the right direction to bring their vision to life. 

Use High-Quality, Durable Paints

A restaurant’s can take quite a beating. Whether it’s kitchen mishaps damaging the walls, customers moving tables and chairs roughly across the dining room floor, or someone inevitably spilling food and drinks, the floors and walls of the restaurant have seen it all.

Restaurant management should opt for high-quality, durable paints to ensure the paint job will weather these potential incidents. If the restaurant floor is concrete-based, consider concrete polishing to keep its appearance looking sharp. Commercial floor painting is also an option to help maintain clean appearances.

Consider the Lighting

Just as color theory plays into how we feel in a space, lighting also plays a crucial role. Restaurant lighting can vary drastically depending on the type of restaurant: lower lighting for fine dining, natural lighting in modern cafes, or colored, moody lighting for a themed restaurant.

The commercial painting team must consider how the paint colors and design choices will mesh with the lighting. A knowledgeable project manager or interior designer can make these decisions and communicate them to the rest of the painting team and the restaurant management.

Surface Preparation

As with any commercial painting job, surface prep is essential. Since restaurants may have unique surfaces, the commercial painting team will decide which methods to use. Surface preparation helps the paint to adhere correctly to the surface and sets up the space for even paint application. This crucial step can also help prevent future discrepancies and issues, such as holes or gaps. After the painting team preps the surfaces, the project work can begin. 

Minimize Disruptions and Inconvenience

If painters can do their work outside of restaurant hours, they will minimize business disruptions. If the restaurant opens late morning or early afternoon, the painting crew may be able to work in the morning. However, depending on the job scope, there’s a good chance that the project will take longer than one session. In this case, the restaurant staff and the commercial painting company should work together to create a schedule for completing the work.

Managers could close off certain sections for larger restaurants to stay partially open. Although renovation projects can be tricky to schedule, the end product will be worth it.

Create a Welcoming Ambiance

Every restaurant has a unique vibe. For an upscale, fine-dining establishment, this might entail low lighting, intimate details, and deep colors. A casual, modern restaurant or cafe may have more natural lighting, clean lines, and bright colors. Whatever the restaurant’s vibe, the goal is for the aesthetics to welcome in customers.

Customer experience is one of the primary reasons people still choose to eat out at a restaurant instead of cooking at home or ordering in. While customer service and the dining experience make up a significant amount of customer experience, the aesthetics of the building round it out.

Provide Clear Communication

Regardless of size, all renovation projects require clear communication from all parties. The commercial painting team should communicate the scope of work and what they will need from the restaurant management. In turn, restaurant management should share essential project details with their staff, regulars, and anyone affected by the work. Social media can be a great tool to inform customers of closings or reopenings.

Signage is another critical element of communication in painting projects. Any areas closed to staff or the public need to be marked clearly. Alternative routes through the building or parking lot should be marked with signs and arrows to avoid accidents. With these communication measures, all parties are on their way to a successful project.

Work With SmithPro Commercial Painting

Whether you want to refresh your restaurant or any other commercial space, check out SmithPro Commercial Painting. Our SmithPro team has decades of experience serving the St. Louis area and expertise in many projects. Check out our past work on our website, and let’s talk about your project today! 

10 Jun, 2024
In the world of business, first impressions are critical. The appearance of your commercial space can significantly influence how customers perceive your brand; this is where commercial painting comes into play. It's not just about aesthetics but about creating an environment that reflects your brand's identity, values, and professionalism. Let's explore the role of commercial painting in branding and business identity and why it's a strategic investment for any industry. Creating a Strong First Impression The exterior of your commercial building is the first thing customers see. A well-maintained, freshly painted facade can attract attention and convey a sense of professionalism and quality. Conversely, a building with faded or peeling paint can give the impression of neglect and poor management. Investing in professional commercial painting ensures that your business makes a positive and lasting first impression on potential clients and customers. Reflecting Brand Identity Color plays a vital role in branding. The colors you choose for your commercial space should align with your brand's identity and values. For example, a tech company might opt for sleek, modern colors like blue and gray, while a health and wellness business might choose soothing greens and blues. A vibrant color scheme can reflect a dynamic, energetic brand. At the same time, muted tones can convey a sense of sophistication and calm. Professional commercial painters can help you select colors that look good and reinforce your brand identity. This consistency helps build brand recognition and trust among your customers. Enhancing Customer Experience The interior of your commercial space is just as important as the exterior. The right colors and finishes can enhance the customer experience by creating an inviting and comfortable atmosphere. For instance, warm, earthy tones can make a retail store feel cozy and welcoming, while bright, energetic colors can invigorate a gym or fitness center. Moreover, different areas of your business may require different paint treatments. High-traffic areas like lobbies and hallways benefit from durable, easy-to-clean finishes. In contrast, offices and meeting rooms might prioritize aesthetics and comfort. Professional commercial painters can recommend the best products and techniques to meet the specific needs of each area, ensuring that your space is both functional and visually appealing. Boosting Employee Morale and Productivity A well-painted, visually pleasing work environment can positively impact employee morale and productivity. Colors can influence mood and behavior, making for an important choice. For example, blue promotes calm and focus, making it a good choice for office environments. Conversely, yellow can stimulate creativity and energy, which might be beneficial in a collaborative workspace. By creating a pleasant and motivating environment, you can boost employee satisfaction and performance, which ultimately contributes to your business's success.
10 May, 2024
In the bustling world of commercial real estate, appearances matter. A well-maintained exterior and interior enhance a property’s aesthetic appeal and contribute to its longevity and value. Regular maintenance painting is one of the most effective ways to preserve a commercial building’s visual appeal and structural integrity. In this piece, we’ll delve into the importance of regular maintenance painting for commercial properties and why it should be a priority for property owners and managers. Preserving Aesthetic Appeal and Professional Image First impressions count, especially in commercial real estate. The exterior appearance of a property is often the first thing visitors, tenants, and clients notice. Faded, peeling paint can give the impression of neglect and detract from the overall curb appeal of the building. Regular maintenance painting ensures that the exterior surfaces remain fresh, vibrant, and inviting, reflecting positively on the professionalism and care taken by the property owner or manager. Moreover, a well-maintained interior creates a positive atmosphere for employees, tenants, and customers. Freshly painted walls and surfaces create a clean and vibrant environment that fosters productivity, enhances morale, and leaves a lasting impression on visitors. Protecting Against the Elements Commercial buildings face harsh environmental conditions year-round, including sunlight, rain, snow, and fluctuating temperatures. These elements can impact exterior surfaces, causing paint to fade, crack, or peel over time. Regular maintenance painting provides a protective barrier against the elements, shielding the underlying structure from moisture, UV rays, and other weather-related damage. Property owners can prevent more extensive and costly repairs by addressing minor issues promptly through regular painting maintenance. Investing in preventive maintenance not only extends the lifespan of the building but also reduces the risk of structural damage and associated expenses. Compliance with Regulations and Standards In addition to aesthetic and structural considerations, regular maintenance is essential for ensuring compliance with regulations and standards. Depending on the location and type of commercial property, there may be specific requirements regarding maintaining exterior appearances and using certain paint materials. By staying proactive with maintenance painting, property owners can avoid fines or penalties for non-compliance with local regulations. Furthermore, adhering to industry standards for paint quality and application helps maintain the safety and integrity of the building, protecting the health and well-being of occupants and visitors.
12 Apr, 2024
Industrial facilities inevitably endure relentless wear and tear in industrial facilities, where machinery hums and production lines operate around the clock. Whether it’s the concrete floors subjected to heavy foot traffic and machinery loads, the metal structures battling corrosion, or the storage tanks holding volatile substances, maintaining the integrity of these surfaces is paramount for safety, efficiency, and longevity; this is where industrial paint steps in as a crucial component of maintenance and protection. Durability and Protection Industrial coatings must withstand extreme conditions and provide long-term protection against wear and tear. This resilience ensures that machinery and infrastructure remain operational and reliable, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Polyurethane, epoxy, and polyurea coatings excel in forming impermeable barriers that shield surfaces from chemical spills, abrasion from heavy machinery, and temperature fluctuations. Their ability to endure harsh environments prolongs the life of surfaces, safeguarding investments and promoting operational efficiency. Combatting Corrosion Corrosion is a persistent threat to industrial infrastructure, compromising structural integrity and posing safety risks. Consequently, corrosion-resistant coatings are crucial in preventing degradation caused by moisture, chemicals, and environmental exposure. Zinc-rich primers and epoxy coatings provide robust protection for metal components, inhibiting rust formation and extending their lifespan. By creating a protective shield against corrosive agents, these coatings ensure the reliability and safety of industrial equipment and structures, even in demanding environments. Versatile Applications The diverse needs of industrial settings demand coatings tailored to specific surfaces and conditions. Therefore, epoxy coatings, renowned for their adhesion and chemical resistance, are ideal for protecting concrete floors from heavy traffic and chemical spills. Similarly, polyurea coatings offer rapid curing times, minimizing downtime during application and maintenance. Their flexibility and durability make them suitable for various applications, from containment tanks to industrial equipment, providing reliable protection while optimizing operational efficiency.
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